The area is inhabited since the prehistoric era. Mythology has it that gods, demigods and heroes roamed, reigned and clashed in these lands.

   The inhabitants of the area played a prominent role in the political arena of Ancient Greece from the 4th until the 2nd century BC, an era marked by the significant cultural and economic development of the area.

   Olympia was, for many centuries, the universal centre for sports of the then known world.

   The Aetolian League, with its centre in Thermos, Aetolia, played a leading role in Ancient Greek affairs for the best part of one century and was considered a model federal state, not only in ancient times but for our era as well. 
   The major social and political upheavals which occurred in the area in the passage of time have filled it with archaeological sites and monuments.

  Many castles, ancient cities and theatres have survived time and still stand imposing, while the area is so dense with such monuments that every ten kilometres the visitor comes across the ruins of an ancient citadel or the remains of a well-preserved castle. There are more than 60 castles dating from antiquity up to the Ottoman era, rendering the area an immense museum of the art of fortification.

   Travelling in the area, where myth blends with history and nature with dream, is a journey to the past, a stroll down yesteryears, which stand in perfect harmony with the virgin nature of the present...


 lagoon2 There are many safe coves and natural ports in Western Greece, as well as sandy beaches of unparalleled beauty extending for miles and untouched by human hands.   
   The Lagoons of Messolonghi, of the Amvrakian gulf and Katychio together with the many lakes and rivers of the area constitute the largest wetlands complex in the Mediterranean. These areas are included in the Natura Network while they are protected by the RAMSAR Treaty, a fact which verifies their value as rare natural reserves.

  Here, where economic “development” has not yet tampered with nature, more then 300 species of birds have been observed at various seasons of the year, in the lagoons, the lakes and the other wetlands of the area or the surrounding hills.

  The visitor may also come across many threatened with extinction species of mammals, such as the European Otter, living in the lakes and the Lagoon of Messolonghi, while there are also dolphins and turtles (Caretta-Caretta) living in the Ambracian Gulf.          
   Virgin natural forests and rich Mediterranean vegetation cover the beautiful mountains in the area, where many rare birds find refuge (such as the royal eagle, nightingale, woodpecker), as well as rare mammals (such as the jackal, wild boar and roe).

   Extensive lowlands interrupted by the mountainous volumes of the virgin mountain ranges complete the natural environment of the area.

It is no exaggeration that this area is called “the Natural Park of Greece”.



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